June is Audiobook month and the half way point in the 2014 Audibook Challenge. So let’s see how everyone is doing in their goals.
I’m listening to my 50th audio of 2014. Yeah I’m an audiobook junkie!
Tell us how many audios you’ve read so far and list any that are MUST listens so the rest of can add to our audio wish lists.
Don’t worry if you’ve not signed up for the challenge you can find out more info and sign up HERE.
To make arranging and organizing books on your Shelf more convenient, we've added a separate book search box in your table view. And to make your blogs look prettier, new design themes are available in BookLikes Theme Store. There's also a tiny improvement of great value in writing box.
Let's take a look at your Shelves and new search box first. Go to table view and type book title, part of the title or author's name in new search spot. The table view will present you only the book(s) that match the title phrase/author's name. It will help you find a specific book entry and change shelf it is put on, add rating stars or update reading status in a couple of seconds.
We have more good news. You can find two new templates in BookLikes Theme Store. Both of them were prepared by Parajunkee (Go girl!). You can pimp your blog in Customization Tab (entrance Settings/Blog) and in BookLikes Theme Store where you can find these two brand new themes:
Custom Colours - free
Fantasy Reader - $9.00
There's also something new in writing box. Now you can easily go back to edit view after Saving as draft or Publishing a post. It's useful if you're working on a longer text or need to edit a lot and don't want to loose any of the written word.
Photo credit: General Coordination of SUBA, Library Services Unit. Fabiola G. Terrazas , Aguilar, Y. (2010)
“What did the zombie say to the whore?”
I looked at him blankly. “Um… what?”
He winked. “Keep the tip.”
Teenage delinquent Angel Crawford lives with her redneck father in the swamps of southern Louisiana. She’s a high school dropout, addicted to drugs and alcohol, and has a police record a mile long. But when she’s made into a zombie after a car crash, her addictions disappear, except for her all-consuming need to stay “alive”…
My Thoughts:
Angel Crawford pretty much got dealt the trashiest hand from life, which reaches an apex when she wakes up in a hospital after an apparent overdose. Thinking things couldn’t get much worse than being found on the side of the road naked by paramedics, she receives a brown paper bag and a note that changes her life completely.
I gobbled My Life as a White Trash Zombie up like a zombie would gobble up brains. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole zombie premise and the fresh take on it. Angel is the poster child for a screw up, but somehow becoming brain dependent turns her into a better person. Go figure. She’s funny and an all around lovable character who you feel for as she struggles to dig herself out of the tragedy that was her life before becoming a member of the walking dead.
I swiped some deodorant into my pits, then wrinkled my nose. The stench was in here as well. I could’t seem to smell anything else, but I could sure as hell smell whatever it is that had died. I sniffed around in an attempt to trace the source of it, then on an absurd whim I took a deep whiff of the back of my hand.
Oh, gross. It was me!
I personally happen to enjoy crime shows like CSI and Law and Order, along with reading the occasional crime novel to stave off paranormal romance overload. So, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this story is centered around a coroner’s office, which one would not have picked up on from the book’s back cover blurb. Diana Rowland‘s background in forensic pathology is prevalent throughout which made White Trash Zombie even more engrossing for me. I loved her brilliant depictions of crime scene procedures, while maintaining a lighthearted quality that kept the story moving and rather upbeat.
There is not a whole lot of heat, but there is a romantic element that definitely had you craving a bit more. However, considering the fact that there is a zombie involved you can’t help but be a little apprehensive about the “a bit more” nonetheless.
My Life as a White Trash Zombie was a wonderful read and I can’t wait to get started on the second book of the series, Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues. Take note, it is very graphic in detail as far as different levels of the undead, so it might not be for everyone. But if you’re a fan of Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta series and/or have a warped obsession with zombies like myself, you might want to consider giving White Trash Zombie a try.
Good but long. Very long. Which I don't have a problem with. I just wish I didn't pick it for my first book of 2014, growing restless for all the other books on my TBR pile. :)
New year, new books, new challenges. It's mid of January, high time to pick some great reads. If you still have no reading plans for the first month of the new year, here are some book recommendations from BookLikes Blogs.
& more
Bitter Spirits (Roaring Twenties) - Jenn Bennett - Roaring twenties? Raw lust? Black magic? Sold! The moment I read this blurb and saw positive ratings from book bloggers that I trust, I knew I needed to read this.
The Emperor's Blades (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne) - Brian Staveley - I've recently started reading and enjoying high fantasy, and have been looking for more books to read in this genre.
A Mad, Wicked Folly - Sharon Biggs Waller - The fact that the story is set in the 1900s in London is enough to tempt me.
Read more about Tullia's January book releases: January New Releases I Can't Wait to Read
& more
It is again a new year, and I can tell you all, it will be filled with books. I will however try and take it easier this year. 700+ books is fun, but also a bit stressful at times. Now for January, a bit busy in regards with books. First of all, my pre-orders (I got quite a few and I will only list those I haven't read yet, some pre-orders are books I already read, but I was waiting for to come out in paperback).
More about January books picked by Twirling Book Princess here: Books to Read for January 2014
These are some of the books that I plan on reading in January. Oh and I'll be posting my review of "Girl on the Golden Coin" in January as well.
The Martian: A Novel - Andy Weir - This one is about an astronaut who is one of the first to walk on Mars and finds himself stranded there.
Longbourn - Jo Baker - I am usually wary of books about Jane Austen's characters but this looked interesting so I decided to take a chance on it.
The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien - I am ashamed that I have yet to read this and Lord of the Rings so I have decided to read them during 2014.
Check out more January Books from Denise: January Books
& more
Happy New Year! My 2014 Mt. TBR goal is 36 books - qualifying books include The Stockholm Octavo, Command Authority, The Great Gatsby and Agnes Grey. A whole wonderful year of books awaits, beginning with: The Great Gatsby - DWS book of the month; The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian - Narnia group reread...
Discover more January 2014 Books picked by CindyG.
If you already figured out what to read in January, make plans for next months.
and more
If your TBR pile will get suspiciously small and you'll be still craving for new stunning reads, you can always visit Debbie's Spurts blog where you can find new releases roundups and fill up your Planning to read shelf :-)
See January New Releases, Week 5 (Jan. 26-31) and February New Releases, Weeks 1 and 2 (Feb. 1-8)
What are you reading this month?
Audible now has a page devoted to romance!
Still time to enter the Best of 2013 Audiobook Blog Hop and check out favorite listens from audiobook fans such as myself. 6 month Audible membership up for grabs!